International Academic Conference


Information on 2008 Conference






Saint Petersburg State University Faculty of History
The State Russian Museum
The State Museum-Reserve «Petergof»
The State Museum-Reserve «Pavlovsk»


MUSEOLOGY – MUSEUM STUDIES in the XXI century: issues of  studies and teaching


International Academic Conference
Saint Petersburg

May 14 – 16, 2008

Conference steering committee  

Maiorov Alexander Vyacheslavovich - Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof., Head of Museology department of Faculty of History of Saint Petersburg State University (Steering committee chairman).
Znamenov Vadim Valentinovich – Honoured culture worker of Russian Federation, Director General of the state museum reserve “Petergof”.
Tretyakov Nikolai Sergeevich – Honoured culture worker of Russian Federation, PhD, docent, Director General of the state museum reserve “Pavlovsk”.
Kulesheva Nataliya Mikhailovna – Honoured culture worker of Russian Federation, laureate of state award of Russian Federation, PhD, deputy director of the State Russian Museum.
Kalashnikova Nataliya Moiseevna – Honoured culture worker of Russian Federation, Doctor of Cultorological Sciences, prof., deputy director of the Russian Ethnographic museum.
Jan Dolak – PhD,  Head of UNESCO Chair of museology and world cultural heritage of Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University (Brno, Republic of Czech).
Voitovich Leonti Viktorovich– Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof., Head of Medieval History department of Faculty of History of Lvov National University named after I. Franko.
Samarina Nataliya Gurievna – PhD, prof., Head of Museum Studies department of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts.
Tikhonov Igor Lvovich – PhD, docent, Director of Saint Petersburg State University History museum.
Ananyev Vitali Gennadievich - PhD, assistant for Department of Museology of Faculty of History of Saint Petersburg State University (executive secretary).

Steering committee: 199034, Saint Petersburg, Mendeleyevskaya line, b.5, office 93
Tel./fax: +7(812)323-52-06



May 14th 
Plenary session
Faculty of History Auditorium
(Mendeleyevskaya line, b. 5)


9.00-9.30 – participants’ registration

10.00-13.30 – morning session

Maiorov Alexander Vyacheslavovich – Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof., Head of Museology department of Faculty of History of Saint Petersburg State University.
Tretyakov Nikolai Sergeevich – Honoured culture worker of Russian Federation, PhD, docent, Director General of the state museum reserve “Pavlovsk”.

Dvornichenko Andrei Yurievich – (Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof., Dean of Faculty of History of Saint Petersburg State University)

Greeting to participants of international museology conference 

Maiorov Alexander Vyacheslavovich (Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof., Head of Museology department of Faculty of History of Saint Petersburg State University)

Part of supplementary educational programs in training of modern specialists in museology

Tikhonov Igor Lvovich (PhD, docent, Director of Saint Petersburg State University History museum)
University’s museum in educational process

Tretyakov Nikolai Sergeevich (Honoured culture worker of Russian Federation, PhD, docent, Director General of the state museum reserve “Pavlovsk”)
Experience of restoration of museum and park ensembles of Saint Petersburg’s suburbs 

Samarina Nataliya Gurievna (PhD, prof., Head of Museum Studies department of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts)
Museum source study: issue of studies and teaching

Elfond Irina Yakovlevna (Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof., Head of Department of history of culture and arts of Saratov State Social Economical University)
On specifics of specialization «Attribution of cultural values» (specialty «Museology»)

12.00-12.15 – interval (coffee - break)

12.15-13.30 – afternoon session

Jan Dolak – PhD, Head of UNESCO Chair of museology and world cultural heritage of Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University (Brno, Republic of Czech).
Museology – the recent state and its future

Kalashnikova Nataliya Moiseevna (Honoured culture worker of Russian Federation, Doctor of Cultorological Sciences, prof., deputy director of the Russian Ethnographic museum)
Experience of Russian Ethnographic museum in training of humanities specialists

Voitovich Leonti Viktorovich (Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof., Head of Medieval History department of Faculty of History of Lvov National University named after I. Franko)
Issues of musefication of archeological monuments of ancient Russian epoch at the area of Western Ukraine

Akhunov Valery Mikhailovich (PhD, Head of tour and lecture department of the State Russian Museum)
The Russian museum in «space» of cultural tourism

Velikzhanin Vitaly Ivanovich (Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, prof., Faculty of History of Saint Petersburg State University)
Museum as an important element in teaching of history of science and techniques

13.30-14.00 –lunch interval

14.00-17.00 – tour program


Section sessions

«Museum tourism»
«Protection of environmental and cultural heritage»

May 15th  
The State Russian Museum Auditorium
(Sadovaya  st. b. 2, Engineering (Mikhail’s) castle)
Organized by – Akhunov Valeri Milhailovich, tel.: 929-16-37

10.00 – 15.00 – morning session

Kulesheva Nataliya Mikhailovna laureate of state award of Russian Federation, PhD, deputy director of the State Russian Museum)
Akhunov Valeri Milhailovich (PhD, Head of tour and lecture department of the State Russian Museum)
Romanchuk Alla Valentinovna (PhD, senior scientific fellow of The State Hermitage Museum, docent of  Saint Petersburg State University)

Kulesheva Nataliya Mikhailovna (laureate of state award of Russian Federation, PhD, deputy director of the State Russian Museum)
Main trends in development of touristic activity of the State Russian Museum
Mager Nataliya Petrovna   (Head of methodological study of museum studies department of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts)
Museum tourism in Moscow and Moscow district

Katsanika Effimia (scientific fellow of Museum of Byzantine Culture, Thessaloniki), Katsaridou Iro (curator of Museum of Byzantine Culture, Thessaloniki)
Introducing popular social activities into the museum: Role Playing Games at the Museum of Byzantine Culture

Kritzkaya  Svetlana Yurievna (PhD, docent of  Saint Petersburg University  of Economics and Finances)
Legal monuments in corporative museum tourism

Lazuko Albina Kuzminichna (leading scientific fellow of the State Russian Museum, member of Union of Artists of Russian Federation)
From name decree of emperor to up to day (educational activity of Russian museum)

Evteev Konstantin Sregeevich  (senior scientific fellow of the State Museum of city’s sculpture)
«Living History» trend as new form of museum work and its perspectives for development of museum tourism in Saint Petersburg

12.15 – 12.30 – interval (coffee-break)

12.30 -15.00 – afternoon session

Butrina Valentina Filippovna (senior scientific fellow of the State Museum Reserve of A. S. Pushkin «Mikhailovskoe»)
Museum, church, children: issue of shaping moral values (from experience in educational and cultural program «Minuvshee menya obyemlet zhivo …» for participants of mecenates of Pushkin’s reserve)

Eshtokina Irina Pavlovna (senior scientific fellow of the State Russian Museum)
Development of touristic activity for children and teenagers in conditions of modern arts museum (with example of Russian Museum)

Romanchuk Alla Valentinivna (PhD, senior scientific fellow of the State Hermitage Museum, docent of Saint Petersburg State University)
Designing of museum touristic programs by students and for students of SPSU and SH

Shantor Diana Georgievna (student of the Vth  year of Belarus State University)
Informational and advertisement activity of Belarus museums

Nikitin Alexander Borisovich (PhD, scientific head of Association of Archeologists of North-West of Russia)
Current legislation of RF in the filed of protection of cultural monuments: protection of archeology monuments

Zinich Margarita Stefanovna (PhD, senior scientific fellow of Institute of Russian History of RAS, Moscow)
Post war restitution of cultural values

15.00 – 16.00 – lunch

16.00 – 18.00 – cultural program in Michail’s castle


Section «Museum as phenomenon of culture »

May 15th  
The State Museum-Reserve «Pavlovsk»


11.00-15.00 – morning session

Tretyakov Nikolai Sergeevich (Honoured culture worker of Russian Federation, PhD, docent, Director General of the state museum reserve “Pavlovsk”)
Kristina Amas (director of Kokkola museum, Finland)

Krasnova Evgeniya Leonidovna (post graduate student of Belarus State University of Culture and Arts)
Museums of the 21st  century. Traditions and modernity

Petrova Natalia  Fedorovna (senior lecturer of Saratov State Social and Economical University)
Museums of Saratov as phenomenon of cultural medium of the region

Voitekunas Valentina Anatolievna (lecturer for department of museology of Saint Petersburg State University)
Museums in Russian at the break of XIX-XX centuries as sources of authenticity in art and conductor of the newest artistic trends

Bondarchuk Vera Gavrilovna (curator of State museum-monument «St. Isaac’s cathedral»)
Several particular features of organizing museums in France

Ahmas  Kristina (FM, MBA, head of K. H. Renlunds museum, Kokkola, Finland)
Leading the transmodern museum

Vratskidou Eleonora (doctoral student of Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris)
Curators: exhibitions auters or museum employees?

12.30-12.45 – interval (coffee - break )

12.45-15.00 – afternoon session

Dariush Dombrovski (Doctor of Historical Sciences, docent of Torun University named after. N. Copernicus)
Cultural and social part of musealisation of surrounding medium

Elizabeth Carnegie (Lecturer in Arts and Heritage, Sheffield University Management School)
Secularising the sacred or sacralising the secular: interpreting religious objects within a pluralist society

Cheremnova  Ludmila  Vyacheslavovna (lecturer for department of museology and touristic activity of Tomsk State University)
Anthropological conception of museum: Ecomuseum as experience of Other

Alpyspayeva Galya Aitpayevna (PhD, docent of Kazan Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin)
Creation and development of museum practice in Kazakhstan

Chichuga Marina Alexeevna (PhD, lecturer for department of culturology of Russian State humanitarian University)
Museum of entrepreneurship’s history – Russian and foreign experience

Safonova Viktoriya Andreyevna (s.f. of the State Hermitage Museum)
Creation of new museum exposition in the Soviet Russia. The Russian Museum and Tretyakov’s gallery

Mazhitova  Zhanna Sabitbekovna (PhD, docent of Kazan State Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin)
Museum funds as a source to study native history (based on materials of President’s Culture Center)

Zounis Peter (Doctor, lecturer of Athens University), Panagiaris George (Doctor, prof. of department of conservation of antiquities and arts of faculty of graphics and design of Athens Technological Institute)
Museum dimension of local archives and libraries: indicative cases from Greece and Germany

Tsilaga Lina (Prof. of department of conservation of antiquities and arts of faculty of graphics and design of Athens Technological Institute), Linardakis Michael (Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Athens)
  Aspects of organization of Greek regional museums


Section «Scientific and research work in museum»

May 15th

The State Museum-Reserve «Petergof»



Znamenov Vadim Valentinovich – (Honoured culture worker of Russian Federation, Director General of the state museum reserve “Petergof”)
Kakenova  Galina Mazhitovna(Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof of Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Astana, Kazakhstan)

Mishura Olga Olegovna (senior scientific fellow The State Museum Monument «St. Isaac’s Cathedral”)
Scientific research as basis for creation of exhibition

Chernysheva Elena Kelmanovna (PhD, academic secretary of The State Museum Monument «St. Isaac’s Cathedral”)
Utilization of results of scientific and research work in provision of the basic directions of museum activity

Zdasyuk Nataliya Mikhailovna (lecturer of Belarus State University)
Scientific and research activity of Belarus museums in current period

Kakenova  Galina Mazhitovna(Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof of Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Astana, Kazakhstan)
From history of creation of museum activity in Akmola region (in the 1920-1930s)

Zolotinkina Irina Anatolyevna (senior scientific fellow of the State Russian Museum)
Magazine «Starye gody» and issue of museum activity in the beginning of XX century

Musagalieva Arailym Sabitobna (PhD, docent of Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Astana, Kazakhstan)
Contribution of museums of Kazakhstan to studies of history of political repressions against the intelligentsia

Ulyanova Oksana Sergeevna (post graduate student of Tomsk State University)
History of the Dondo family in Tomsk (as per archive materials of Tomsk regional museum)

Lelina Elena Ivanovna (senior lecturer of Saint Petersburg State University Faculty of History)
Pedagogic museum of military-educational institutes at World Exhibition in Paris of 1878

12.30-12.45 – interval  (coffee-break)


Sizova Irina Alexeevna (senior laborant of Tomsk State University)
Funds of Tomsk regional museum as the source for studying history of charity in Tomsk guberniya in the second half of the XIX – beginning of XX cc.

Clar Hart De Reiter (lecturer of museology in Amsterdam University),Leoni Vingen, Ardjuna Candotti, Carlin Metts,Mosek Maja (students of Amsterdam University)
Library and museum: the Artis library.

Terski Svyatoslav Vladimirovich (PhD, docent of National University «Lvov Polytechnics»)
Archeological collections of mediaeval times in Lvov historical museum: issues of forming, restoration, exhibition and classification

Onoprienko Elena Vitaliyevna (PhD, lecturer of Saint Petersburg Institute of Decorative Art)
Art of description and discussion on arts in the epoch of modern type art museums forming (based on example of letters by V. Geinze «On some painting of Düsseldorf gallery», 1776-1777 and works of А. V. Shlegel «Paintings. Dialogues», 1799)

Nepomnyashikh Svetlana Evgeniyevna (post graduate student of Tomsk State University)
History of regional museum studies in Siberia: in the 1920-2000ss. (based at the example of Tomsk regional museum)

Shvagzhdiene Biruta Albinovna (magister of Lithuanian Academy of Physical Culture and Sports of Kaunas)
Influence of agricultural culture at development of community’s centre

Okunev Sergei Nikolaevich (PhD, senior scientific fellow of The State Museum Monument «St. Isaac’s Cathedral”) 
Unknown facts of St. Isaac’s cathedral’s construction

15.00 – lunch interval
16.00 – cultural program, free time


Section «Attribution and expertise of museum articles»

May 15th
Auditorium of Military historical museum of artillery, engineer and signal corpses
(Alexandrovski park,  b. 7)
Organized by – Yurkevich Evgeni Ivanovich, tel.: 8-905-279-49-97.

10.00 – 15.00 – morning session

Yurkevich Evgeni Ivanovich (PhD, senior scientific fellow of Military historical museum of artillery, engineer and signal corpses)
Elfond Irina Yakovlevna (Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof., Head of Department of history of culture and arts of Saratov State Social Economical University)

Shekhurin Denis Yurievich (junior scientific fellow of Military historical museum of artillery, engineer and signal corpses)
History of development of German arms and arm décor in XIII - XVIII cc.

Dobromelova Varvara Vladimirovna (junior scientific fellow of Military historical museum of artillery, engineer and signal corpses)
Arch bows from collection of Military historical museum of artillery, engineer and signal corpses

Rashkova Raisa Timofeevna (PhD, leading scientific fellow of the State Museum of History of Religion)
«The Holy Family» by  Francesko Vecehelio (?) (1475-1560) from collection of the State Museum of History of Religion

Drozdova Nadezhda  Nikolaevna (student of IVth year of Faculty of History of  Saint Petersburg State University )
Attribution of old photography in museum

Yurkevich Evgeni Ivanovich (PhD, senior scientific fellow of Military historical museum of artillery, engineer and signal corpses)
Adjustment for attribution of painting «Attack of Wild Division on Austrian infantry» from collection of Military historical museum of artillery, engineer and signal corpses

Lykova  Evgeniya Mikhailovna (junior scientific fellow of Military historical museum of artillery, engineer and signal corpses)
Collection of regiment’s stories from funds of Military historical museum of artillery, engineer and signal corpses

Anisimova Mariya Anatolievna (junior scientific fellow of Military historical museum of artillery, engineer and signal corpses)
Japanese gun – trophy of expedition of Khvostov and Davydov (1806 – 1807)

13.00-14.30 – cultural program


Section «The goal  and perspectives of museum education»

May 16th

Saint Petersburg State University Faculty of History

10.00-14.00 – morning session

Velikzhanin Vitaly Ivanovich (Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, prof., Faculty of History of Saint Petersburg State University)
Galkina Tatyana Ivanovna (PhD, docent of Tomsk State Pedagogic University)

Pavlova Olga Grigorievna (docent of Kharkov National University named after V. N. Karamzin)
Museum collections in educational process: traditions and modern period (based on experience of Kharkov university)

Bombeshko  Ivanna Ivanvna (lecturer for Belaruss State University of Culture and Arts)
Forming and current condition of museum education in Republic of Belarus

Otorochkina Alexandra Evganyevna (PhD, head of scientific library of the State literature and memorial museum reserve of N. A. Nekrasov «Karabikha»), Strakhova nataliya Vyacheslavovna (PhD, senior lecturer of Yaroslavl State University named after. P. G. Demidov)
Part of general humanitarian subjects in professional training of museologists

Kovchinskaya Sveltlana Gennadievna (senior lecturer of Petrozavodsk State University)
Academic course «Museum Studies» in general university program for training of students historians in specialty of «historic and culture tourism»

12.00-12.15 – interval  (coffee-break)

12.15-14.00 – afternoon session

Samoilenko Lubov Grigorievna (Head of Archeology Museum of Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko)
Academic museums of Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko: phenomenon of culture or science?

Galkina Tatyana Vasilievna (PhD, docent, Tomsk State Pedagogical University)
Experience in creation of student museum studying projects «Tretyakovka» and «Hermitage» in Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Stamboliadi Daphne (archeologist-museologist, Museum Educational Centre of University of Athens), Papagrigorakis Manolis (assistant prof., University of Athens), Michael D. Dermitzakis (prof., University of Athens)
Museological education: from whom to whom and how? The case of the Museum Studies postgraduate course in Athens


Секция «Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины
в музейном деле»

May 16th  
Auditorium of Saint Petersburg Institute of History, RAS
(Petrozavodskaya st., b. 7)
Supervised by – Ananiyev Vitali Gennadievich, tel.: 8-911-214-60-15

10.00-14.30 – morning session

Bazarova Tatyana Viktorovna (PhD, senor scientific fellow of Institute of History RAS,  docent, Saint Petersburg State University)
Ananyev Vitali Gennadievich (PhD, assistant, Saint Petersburg State University)

Metelkin Evgeny Nikolaevich (PhD, docent, Saint Petersburg State University)
Supplementary historical subjects in academic course of museum education

Gritzkevich Anatoli Petrovich (Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof., Belarus State University)
Genealogy as the subject in training of specialist of  museum specialists

Klimanov Lev Grigorievich (PhD, senior scientific fellow, the State Hermitage Museum)
On museum viewpoint of Nikolai Petrovich Likhachev and possibility of Paleography Museum restoration

Medvedev Mikhail Yuryevich (senior lecturer, Saint Petersburg State University), Rodionov Evgeni Alexandrovich (State Museum Reserve «Gatchina»)
Coat of arms at weapons from Gatchina’s armory: issue of attribution adjustment

Kuleshov Vyacheslav Sergeevich (junior scientific fellow, the State Hermitage Museum)
Classification of numismatic monuments and structure of museum numismatic collection: correlation issue

Novoselov Vasili Rudolfovich (scientific fellow, Moscow Kremlin Armory Museum)
Issues of Russian weapon studies and historical weapons in museums and private collections of Russia

12.15-12.30 – interval (coffee-break)

12.30-14.30 – afternoon session

Sychenkova Lidiya Alekseevna (Doctor of Philosophy, prof., Kazan State University), Astafyev Vladimir Vasilyevich (PhD, docent, Kazan State University)
History of noble family Maruto – Sukalo – Krasnopolski in course of genealogy

Voloschuk Miroslav Mikhailovich (PhD, docent of Prikarpat National University named after V. Stefanik)
Eastern Slav antiquities – museum articles of Eastern Europe countries (based on example of Poland and Slovakia)

Shukurova Аysulu Erkinovna (State Museum Reserve «Gatchina»)
Museum’s register as historical source (based on example of Gatchina palace)

Ananyev Vitali Gennadievich (PhD, assistant, Saint Petersburg State University)
On some sources on history of creation of Moscow University’s museum collection in the beginning of XIX cent.

Bazarova Tatyana Anatolievna (PhD, docent, Saint Petersburg State University)
Materials of camp chancellery of vice-chancellor P.P. Shafirov as the sources for reconstruction of material world of Russian seignior in the beginning of XVIII cent.

Dadykina Margarita Mikhailovna (PhD, docent of Saint Petersburg Technological University of Plant Polymers)
Spiritual letters as the sources on history of peasants’ everyday life at Russian North in the XV-XVII cc.

Selin Adrian Alexandrovich (PhD, deputy director for scientific work of Staroladozhski  historical and architectural reserve)
Is it possible to demythologize public conscience? (source studying aspect)

Golubeva Irina Alexandrovna (PhD senior fellow of The State Russian Museum)
 Conception of musefication of Society «Old Petersburg – new Leningrad» (with example of the Kovrigins merchants’ mansion)

Shershova Nina Viktorovna  (PhD, senior fellow of The State Russian Museum)
Artistic dynasty of the Unkins. Vocabulary of Ostashkov icon painters (second half of the XVII cent. - 90th of the XVIII cent.)  

14.30 - 16.00 – culture program

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